One of our architects, Mark Geraghty, got the walking bug whilst training for his summit to Mount Kilimanjaro in 2018. He successfully completed that, and has since led regular walks for the HSSP team (when rules permitted).
Mark is passionate about walking and even does not let the team rest on HSSP Christmas party weekends; he leads the majority of the team out and about trekking through the glorious scenery of Bamford, Derbyshire, and revitalising their heads after the previous night!
Mark has decided to push himself even further this year and is undertaking four fund raising challenges. The first is to hike ‘The Sheffield Country Way’ on the weekend of 28-30 May 2021. This 55 mile route encircles Sheffield and takes in some beautiful panoramas, with his family and friends joining him for different stages. There is likely to be some wild camping for the first night, with a hotel and some creature comforts the second night, which will no doubt be gratefully appreciated by his weary limbs!
He is raising money for Firefly Cancer Awareness and Support for a very personal reason. It is a charity that provides support and free transport to local cancer patients to regional treatment hospitals and helped his Dad in December 2020. If you would like to read Mark’s story and support his fund raising, please take a look at his fund raising page https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/MarkGeraghty4
By HSSP Architects